Tuesday, March 3, 2009

J2SE Course Details


Getting Started

Pointers (C++):

Basic concept of pointer

Stack & Heap Memory Area

Address Mechanism

Dynamic Memory Allocation

new keyword (int *p = new int, int *p = new int(3), int *p = new int[3])

Object Creation using ‘new’ keyword


Character Set, Identifier, Variable, Literals, Keywords


Java is highly typed language, Type conversion & Casting


Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Unary, Conditional/Ternary, Assignment, Bitwise

Control Statements:

Condition (if, if-else), Loops (while, do-while, for) & Branching (switch-case);

Introducing Classes & Objects:

What is Class?

What is Object?

Members: Data & Method

Access: Default, private, public, protected

Creating Class

Object Instantiation Process

What happen when object assign to other object or object compare with other object?

Array Instantiation

Command Line Argument

Constructor: Default, Parameterized

this Vs this()

Call by value & Call by reference

Passing Object as an argument (Adding two objects)

static data member, static method & static block



Constructor calling sequence

Method Overloading Vs Overloading with example

Super class variable can reference a subclass object

abstract method & abstract class

Runtime Polymorphism

final method & final class

abstract Vs final

abstract Vs Interface

Object class: equal, toString, finalize method etc.

Object Life Cycle

Managing Packages:


Setting classpath

Standard packages

Arrays & String;

Exception Handling:

Java I/O:


Byte & Character

Sink & Processing

String concatenation

Serialization, Transient etc.;

Be familiar with java.net package & Socket Programming:

java.lang & java.util Packages:

Collection API: Add, Remove & Iterate Objects; Type Wrapper: Importance of Wrapper Classes, String to Native Type Conversion;

Working with Java IDE (NetBeans/Eclipse/J-Builder etc):

Monday, February 16, 2009

Presentation Instructions

  1. Precisely explain concept with example.
  2. Whenever needed present Figures & Diagram.
  3. Presentation should be prepared on PowerPoint.
  4. Examples should be prepared on any version of NetBeans IDE.
  5. Only sincere queries will be entertained after presentation.

Presentation - 1

  1. What is Dynamic Memory Allocation (C, C++, Java)? Explain ‘new’ with example?
  2. What is object? Explain Object Instantiation Process with Example.
  3. Explain 2 uses of ‘this’ with example.
  4. What happens when (Explain with example): i) Compare 2 objects, & ii) Assign object to other object
  5. Call by value Vs Call by reference in java
  6. Object as an argument. Write a java program to add two complex numbers.
  7. static members & static block (Explain with example).
  8. Constructor calling sequence in Multilevel Inheritance
  9. Explain 2 uses of ‘super’ with example.
  10. Method Overloading & Overriding with example.
  11. 'abstract' Vs 'final'
  12. 'abstract' Vs 'interface & 'extends' Vs 'implements'
  13. Object class & its member (equals, toString, finalize,clone)
  14. Object life cycle (instantiation, using, garbage collection)